Cover Letter
I began writing this essay because I wanted to expand my knowledge of AI due to its rapid development. AI is currently revolutionizing many different work fields due to its rapid development, and I was curious to find out what type of potential AI has for the future.
As I was researching AI’s achievements, I stumbled upon an article that talked about using AI to enhance education for younger children. I found this article quite interesting because it went against the way I used to view AI. Whenever I thought about AI and education together, I usually thought about using AI to cheat, so for me, it was quite surprising to find out that AI could be used to improve the quality of education. This article made me interested in the benefits that AI could have on education, which is why I began researching information about it. I also feel like resisting the change that AI brings slows down our progress as a society since it is very likely that AI will become as common as phones in the near future, so I wanted to do some research so I could better understand AI and help inform others about the ways AI can be used to better our education; this way people can be better informed about the potential of AI and have less fear about embracing its usage for the betterment of humanity.
I hope that the audience for my work is people who are interested in the development of technology (due to AI being an important part of technological development) and people who are worried about using AI for educational purposes (so that they could be informed about AI and hopefully have their fears eased down). I hope to learn about how AI can be used to make education better, and I also hope to learn about the different types of programs used around the world that involve AI because I am curious about how they work.
After doing a good amount of research, I would say that I gained a lot more knowledge about AI than I expected. I got to learn about how both students and teachers were able to apply AI to improve the quality of education, and I got to learn about some specific AI programs used around the world and their functions (which, in my opinion, was pretty interesting). I also learned about some consequences that could arise from using AI, which helped me better understand the perspective of people who may be skeptical about using AI for education. This, in turn, pushed me to look for ways to make my argument more appealing, which allowed me to learn about the consequences people could face if they just tried to avoid AI altogether. I enjoyed collecting all this information because I am a technology enthusiast myself, and I am always excited to learn about technology that has the potential to make our future better while also being informed about the dangers it could bring.
In this essay, I am most proud of the way I made people think about the consequences that using AI could bring to people and then discussed some problems that could occur if a student does not get exposed to AI because I feel like it was a good way to get into the reader’s head and make them think about which consequence is worse. I did this to force the reader to see that using AI and avoiding AI both have their downsides and that it is ultimately up to them to think about and decide with which consequence they would rather deal with.
Throughout this research essay, I was able to accomplish course learning outcome 6, which was to “Locate research sources (including academic journal articles, magazine, and newspaper articles) in the library’s databases or archives and on the Internet and evaluate them for credibility, accuracy, timeliness, and bias”. Since I did most of my research online, I had to take time to read through some articles and later take them through the CRAAP (currency, relevance, authority, accuracy, purpose) test to make sure that I could use those sources to make my claim that AI can improve education stronger. This process of filtering sources was very useful to learn (since I could see myself writing more research papers in the future), and I think I did pretty well-finding sources that helped strengthen my argument.
Research Essay
Have you ever spent long hours doing schoolwork, wishing you could move on to another task that you find more worthwhile or enjoyable? Or have you ever found it hard to study because you do not have someone at home who understands the topics you are learning/covering? Perhaps, during your time in the COVID lockdown, you thought about ways to make learning more interesting since it was obvious that not many people enjoyed remote learning. If you have experienced any of these moments, I would like to inform you that there have been recent technological developments that allow a person to finish their long and tedious homework quicker, or that could help make learning more engaging, or that could help a person create better study sessions to tackle topics they may not understand well (and the help is not just watching YouTube videos). The technology I am talking about is artificial intelligence (or AI for short), and AI is now expanding more quickly than ever.
Wait, wait, wait. Isn’t AI bad? I mean, we have all seen movies like Terminator, The Matrix (1999), I, Robot (2004), and we have even seen Avengers: Age of Ultron, where it seems like the AI is the villain of the story and that they do more harm than good, despite being made with good intentions. Well, while these movies offer an idea about what could happen with artificial intelligence, the films are science fiction, and they do not show you the benefits AI could provide if used efficiently. In truth, AI has a lot of potential, and if we continue to try and understand AI, we could harness the power of AI to help make our lives easier and society more educated.
Let us start off by defining what an AI is. According to “Artificial Intelligence” published by Britannica, AI is “the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. The term is frequently applied to the project of developing systems endowed with the intellectual processes characteristic of humans, such as the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or learn from experience.” (Copeland). Ultimately, an AI is a computer/robot that tries to imitate tasks intellectual beings do. This definition is important for people to understand because it is the reason why many people do a lot of research on AI; we want to know how well a computer/robot can complete human tasks (that involve reasoning, learning from past mistakes, etc.) Now, there are many ways to try and analyze how well AI can complete human tasks, but we are mainly going to focus on how well AI can complete the tasks of a teacher (ex: grading students’ work, providing feedback, etc.) and how well AI can be used for learning purposes (in essence how well can AI help students complete their tasks while also helping them learn). We are examining AI’s impact on education because I would like for you to see the opportunities that lie ahead for education thanks to AI, and I would like you to see how applying AI to education may be more beneficial in the long run than people realize.
As AI continues to grow in our society, so does its potential to help humans get better education. Quite often, many people (especially students) see AI as an easy way to cheat and get homework done quickly. Understandably, teachers and scholars dislike AI for this reason, since it promotes the use of AI to cheat, which, in turn, does not help a student truly learn the material that homework is supposed to help them practice. Although people can utilize AI for cheating, many scholars and people concerned about improving education believe AI has much more potential to help with learning than just allowing students to cheat. You have to keep in mind that AI has many features that could be used for more than just cheating on homework or tests.
People like Hector Bojorquez (IDRA’s Director of Operations and Educational Practice) and Michelle Martínez Vega (IDRA’s chief technology strategist) argue that AI can be used in multiple different ways to help a student learn the topic they are struggling with instead of relying on cheating. Let us start with the root of the problem as to why students try to use technology to cheat on their homework, tests, etc. When you really put some thought into it, you can understand that a reason for cheating may involve students just not being able to comprehend a topic that school taught them, so they see AI as an easy alternative to get through homework they do not understand. If you have been to school before, you also have to admit education isn’t always the most engaging, so it is clear that many students tend to pay less attention to their teachers due to being bored. Since students stop paying attention to their lectures, many of them are later confused about how to solve a problem, which leads them to take the easy route of using AI to help them answer the question over taking the time to learn the topic they are struggling with. These are some of the things that promote cheating, but people like Hector Bojorquez and Michelle Martínez Vega see that AI is more than just a tool for cheating; AI can be a tool to help combat cheating and improve the quality of education.
In the expository text, “The Importance of Artificial Intelligence in Education for All Students”, published in the IDRA newsletter, both Hector Bojorquez and Michelle Martínez Vega argue that AI can be used to help improve education for both students and teachers (which improves society in the long run), as long as AI can be accessed by people equally. The authors believe that “AI has the potential to revolutionize the education sector by enhancing learning experiences, supporting teachers, and offering more personalized learning opportunities for students,”(1) which is why they mention using AI for things like personalized learning (AI used to help teach YOU in the way you learn best), making education more memorable and engaging (through gamification/virtual reality), and helping lighten the workload of teachers, which would allow teachers to begin focusing on the students themselves and establish meaningful connections with students along with creating better lesson plans. With these types of benefits, one could expect many more students to find learning more interesting as they are no longer forced to just sit in a class all day and listen to the teacher; no, now the students can engage with the material that they are learning and feel more supported by the education system, which should allow more students to enjoy learning and prefer to learn over cheating using AI.
The IDRA is not the only one, however, that feels like AI can be used to improve the quality of education. We also have scholars who believe in the potential of AI. In the expository text (journal), Review of the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Education (2020), authored by Yufei Liu, Saleh Salmiza, Jiahui Huang, and Abdullah Syed Mohamad Syed and published by the International Journal of Innovation, Creativity, and Change (IJICC) we can take a dive into the history of AI and its development but more importantly we can also see some insights on how AI can be applied to education and some examples of the AI being used in education. The authors believe that “With the development of artificial intelligence technology, modern education will be combined with more technologies, such as speech semantic recognition, image recognition, Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality, machine learning, brain neuroscience, quantum computing, blockchain and so on” (Liu et al. 550) so, to figure out how well AI is doing in regards to education, they consider the application of AI in three different aspects, the technical level, the model level, and the practical level. The authors conclude that AI is undeniably finding its way into the education sector and that it is better for people to be informed about AI so that they can adapt to it and support it, which can help improve education systems around the world.
Some of the AI products that the authors discussed were SuperMemo (an interval reminder app where AI calculates when you are more likely to forget something and reminds you to retouch the subject; created by Piotr Woźniak), Wolfie (an Israeli music app that has an automatic grading system that allows teachers to see the progress of their students and help them correct mistakes), Jill Watson (a virtual tutor using AI found at Georgia Institute of Technology), Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Buddy teaching robot (an AI designed to help with personalized learning), Botty (AI teaching assistant), and the Great Barrier Reef Tour (product created by Alchemy VR in collaboration with the BBC documentary team) just to name a few. All these forms of AI have been used to help improve the quality of education in places like the U.S., Israel, Australia, and many other places. It is no wonder that the authors of the journal concluded that “In the context of the 21st century, the use of artificial intelligence technology in education is undeniable. Artificial intelligence technology is very much needed in the future to ensure effective teaching and learning process among teachers and students and will be indispensable for the betterment of the education system” (Liu et al. 555-56); their research mostly shows how AI has had a positive impact on education, which help to prove both their own claim and the IDRA newsletters claim that AI can be used to improve the quality of education. In fact, the IJICC journal tends to exemplify the applications that the IDRA newsletter mentioned because the journal published by IJICC gave real-world examples of AI being used to help keep students engaged in learning (ex: a virtual tour of barrier reef), helping decrease teacher workload (with Botty the AI teaching assistant and Wolfie the automatic grading system app), and help students learn at their own pace (MOOC Buddy teaching program used for personalized learning). Both these sources help us get a glimpse of the potential benefits AI could bring if applied correctly, which allows us to view AI as a tool to promote positive change, not as something to fear or try to avoid.
These sources feel quite reliable since they mentioned similar things and helped build on each other’s ideas of how the education sector could implement AIs to improve education. The sources were also quite persuasive when discussing potential ways to apply AI into education, and they were quite helpful in helping the reader understand some complicated concepts, which allows us to understand their argument better and decide for ourselves if they are convincing or not. It should be noted that these sources do have a couple more examples demonstrating how humans could use AI to enhance education, however, considering how complicated their explanations can get, it felt necessary to slowly introduce the reader to only a couple of key AI programs so that the reader can get the point that AI can be beneficial without overwhelming them with too much information.
Although we have been focusing a lot on how AI can help students in their learning journey, students are not the only ones who can benefit from interacting with AI. To many people’s surprise, teachers could also benefit from using and interacting with AI. Learning that AI can also help teachers is somewhat shocking since teachers are probably the last people who would want to use AI, considering that many believe AI is unethical and promotes cheating. The truth remains, however, that AI can be used as a tool to help teachers become better prepared for their upcoming challenge, a new class with many different students.
When we explore the article “AI Will Transform Teaching and Learning. Let’s Get it Right.” (2023), authored by Claire Chen and published by Stanford University, we can see that Stanford University has already begun taking steps to determine possible ways to use AI to advance human learning by calling an AI+ Education Summit on 2/15/23. This summit was quite significant because it gathered “Researchers across Stanford – from education, technology, psychology, business, law, and political science –” and they were joined by “industry leaders like Sal Khan, founder and CEO of Khan Academy,” (Chen) to discuss how to properly apply AI into education so that it is used ethically and in a safe manner. As a result of this summit, Stanford University and the participants identified many ways AI could improve education for students and teachers.
Although the AI+ Education Summit presented many good ideas and information, we will mainly focus on the benefits teachers get from AI since we already discussed how students could use AI for an improved education. In the article “AI Will Transform Teaching and Learning. Let’s Get it Right”, we see the author mention that teachers can use AI to help simulate students, receive real-time feedback and suggestions to improve the lesson plans, get post-teaching feedback, and receive refreshing information that is relevant to the subject the teacher is covering. Now, why would a teacher want to use AI to simulate students? Well, it is good to remember that not all teachers have the experience they need to help them have a successful school year. Some teachers may be new or it is possible that some might have to adapt to a change they weren’t quite ready for, so they require some practice to prepare themselves for situations that may occur in the upcoming academic year. This situation is precisely why AI can be beneficial for teachers. According to the article published by Stanford University, “AI language models can serve as practice students for new teachers. Percy Liang, director of the Stanford HAI Center for Research on Foundation Models, said that they are increasingly effective and are now capable of demonstrating confusion and asking adaptive follow-up questions.”(Chen). Using AI as a simulation can help better prepare new/inexperienced teachers to handle situations that may arise in a classroom, and it helps the teachers build confidence in their abilities, which will help them provide quality education. Another way teachers can use AI for their benefit could be by getting feedback and suggestions from AI programs. Dora Demsky was the person in the article who highlighted AI’s ability to provide teachers with feedback to improve education. The article says: Dora Demszky, assistant professor of education data science, highlighted the ability for AI to provide real-time feedback and suggestions to teachers (e.g., questions to ask the class), creating a bank of live advice based on expert pedagogy… Demszky added that AI can produce post-lesson reports that summarize the classroom dynamics. Potential metrics include student speaking time or identification of the questions that triggered the most engagement. Research finds that when students talk more, learning is improved. (Chen). This quote shows that AI has evolved into something quite resourceful to teachers. Now that AI can also provide feedback for teachers, teachers could begin improving their lesson plans based on the suggestions of the AI. No longer will teachers be forced to stick to a boring curriculum and teach it in a boring manner. Now, teachers can see what they may need to improve on and start working on it to help improve the quality of education they provide for their students and make learning more engaging.
In addition to receiving feedback and simulating students, teachers could also use AI to help them keep up with the latest advancements in their fields. This feature of AI can be incredibly helpful for teachers when they want to make their lessons more engaging because they can now include recent and relevant information in their lesson plans to help keep students interested in the material they are learning. This addition to the curriculum allows students to feel that the class has actual value in the outside world and would make them more willing to learn, which helps teachers provide a better-quality education. The article also states that “Sal Khan, founder of online learning environment Khan Academy, suggested that AI could help teachers stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in their field. For example, a biology teacher would have AI update them on the latest breakthroughs in cancer research, or leverage AI to update their curriculum”(Chen), which shows that AI can provide teachers with stimulating facts that they could use to make their lessons more engaging or relevant to the times. Adding to the previous statement, learning about advancements in a field could also be quite beneficial for the teacher because it might help them rediscover why they were so passionate about a subject that they decided to teach it. It is no secret that teachers often lose their passion for teaching somewhere throughout their careers due to many factors. One common factor is that teachers may no longer see the point in teaching their subject because they may feel like people do not care about it. Well having AI search for information about why your subject is important and how it contributes to today’s society could be the very boost a teacher needs to rekindle their passion for teaching, which often also helps improve the quality of education they provide.
Although we have explored AI and examined its potential to improve education, we cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that AI can have some unintended consequences that may be detrimental to us and our society. One such problem that could arise is becoming over-reliant on AI technology. The problem with becoming too reliant on AI technology is that we risk losing our critical thinking abilities, and we may also lose our social skills. Now, this can cause serious issues for the future because if a person does not develop their critical thinking skills, they will not be able to function independently and will always feel like they need an AI’s help to make decisions. Losing our social skills could also negatively impact us since it will make learning much harder (since we acquire knowledge by communicating with others). Aside from that, losing our social skills could also cause us to lose a lot of relationships with people we care about, which will, in effect, drop our motivation to continue learning. So, while AI has many benefits, it is understandable why there may be some uncertainty in integrating AI into education.
However, I would like to offer you something to contemplate if you believe people should avoid AI altogether because of these downsides. What could the consequences be if you ignore the growth of AI and just avoid it altogether? Well, the IDRA newsletter we mentioned earlier by Hector Bojorquez and Michelle Martínez Vega touched upon this subject a bit. The authors of “The Importance of Artificial Intelligence in Education for All Students” believed denying people access to AI technology could cause serious drawbacks, such as increasing the digital divide, increasing economic inequality, and experiencing a loss of creativity and innovation. The article says, “Students who lack AI education may find it more challenging to secure well-paying jobs as many traditional roles may be automated or significantly transformed by AI. This can lead to increased economic inequality and limit social mobility for those who are not adequately prepared for the AI-driven job market”(Bojorquez and Vega 7), which shows that keeping people away from AI is not a reasonable solution to calm down the fear of becoming overdependent on AI. The article also mentions that if we do not have a diverse workforce due to people not knowing how to work with AIs, we lose valuable insights, creativity, and ideas that could help further improve AI technology.
To add to this, the article, “The Pros and Cons of Using AI in Education ” (2023), published by the Harrow International School- Hong Kong, claims that one of the things we should be worried about is ensuring fairness and creating a bias-free AI to improve education. The authors believe students must be exposed to AI instead of shielded from it because “By fostering critical thinking and digital literacy skills, students can understand the ethical implications of AI and contribute to shaping a more fair and inclusive technological landscape.” (Harrow International School- Hong Kong). This article supports the IDRA newsletters’ claim that excluding people from learning about AI can be detrimental in the long run because it shows that diversity can play a crucial role in developing better, equal, and inclusive technology, which means that keeping kids away from AI prevents them from creating an equal and better future, ultimately leaving them to fend for themselves since they will not have the skills necessary to adapt to a society that has changed because of AI.
All in all, AI has shown great potential to help revolutionize education and improve it. AI has shown that it can be programmed to help students learn a topic they may not understand, and it has demonstrated that it could even make the lives of teachers more manageable by giving them an understanding of where a child is regarding education and helping them improve their lesson plans. These are just some of the benefits we talked about that AI could bring to our education, but since AI is constantly growing, one can imagine that the benefits the technology could bring also grow. Since many speculate that AI technology will eventually be as easy to access and use as our modern-day cell phones, it is crucial for people nowadays to learn about AI and its benefits because it helps people prepare for that future without being unnecessarily influenced by fear. Many places around the world are already starting to embrace AI as a tool that can help humanity advance, so instead of resisting change, we should take a minute to look at AI through different lenses and see how we can use it to better our education so that we can create a better and more educated society.
Works Cited Page
Bojorquez, Hector,and Michelle M Vega. “The Importance of Artificial Intelligence in Education for All Students”, IDRA Newsletter, May 2023, p.1-7. Web.
Chen, Claire. “Ai Will Transform Teaching and Learning. Let’s Get It Right.” Stanford HAI, 2023,
Copeland, B.J. “Artificial Intelligence.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. 8 Nov. 2023,
Liu, Yufei, et al. “Review of the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Education.” International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, vol.12, no.8, 2020, pp 548-562. Web.
“The Pros and Cons of Using AI in Education.” Harrow International School Hong Kong, 27 June 2023,