
Thoughts on Eng 110

As of right now, I find Eng 110 more interesting than any of my previous ELA courses because it has touched on topics that seemed pretty relatable for me. The class usually has very interesting conversations and I feel like the class has helped me better understand the point of view of the people around me. So far, the texts we have read were quite interesting and often helped better show how language plays an important role in how people view you in today’s society. The writing we had to do for the class, in my opinion, was fair. There wasn’t too much writing up to the point where it may have overwhelmed you and there wasn’t too little writing in the class. I personally enjoyed this because I’ve had bad experiences before with ELA teachers assigning a lot of writing and it felt good knowing that this class wasn’t one of those that overwhelmed you with work. I really don’t have much complaints about the class for now. I feel like we get a good amount of group time to work together and analyze a text or do some peer review, so I don’t really have any complaints there. I look forward to see what we have to do next for this class and I hope I can enjoy the process of growing my skills as a writer.

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